Beautify & Detox Your Skin with Activated Charcoal

Everyone wants a fresh, glowing complexion. Who the heck wouldn’t? Toxins, dirt, and air pollution can all take a toll on skin daily, making it appear dull and abused. That’s where activated charcoal comes in.
Putting charcoal on your face might scare your children or significant other but when it comes to beauty benefits, who gives a darn? Introducing this fun black ingredient will purify and detox your skin.
That's right: we’re suggesting to use an activated charcoal wash on your precious face and for good reason as more and more people are finding themselves thrilled with the results of adding activated charcoal to their beauty routine. This is how it works: because toxins stick to the activated charcoal, it makes a good candidate for a deep cleanser and detoxifier.
What are some other "healthy skin" benefits of using a face wash with activated charcoal?
Make pores smaller and cleaner
The toxins from your daily venture into the world clog your pores and when your pores aren’t clear, neither is your complexion! It’s so powerful that it sucks up poison, which is why it’s given to people who’ve swallowed poisonous substances. Activated charcoal is known to be very absorbent and bind to toxins. This helps to pull the dirt out of your pores, making them less visible. Talk about your skin feeling fresh and clean right?
Treat acne
If you have acne, get your hands on some activated charcoal face wash right now. It works wonders in fighting off acne-causing germs, sucking out toxins, reducing inflammation and keeping your pores clean. It can provide the gentle exfoliating you need and it can also absorb oils any impurities on and below the skin.
Balancing of oily skin
Oily skin? Activated charcoal may be just the ingredient you need to balance things out. Using a cleanser with activated charcoal can pull the unwanted excess oils from your skin, leaving it super smooth. This works amazing in conjunction with Aloe Vera Mist and will cut down on your annoying afternoon face blotting routine.
Deep clean your skin
Send your chemical loaded deep-cleaners on a major getaway. Using a cleanser with activated charcoal will give your skin a purifying “boost” by attracting dirt and other substances to the skin’s surface and sweeping them away.
Ok, so let's get to the point! Consider adding a bit of charcoal to your skincare routine and happy gentle detoxing!
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